T's & C's

Terms and Conditions/Contract of Booking for Partners/Sponsors and Exhibitors

1. Financial/Booking

a)      Full payment must be made when booking your stand using credit card/debit card or paid by invoice using BACS – for exhibitors this must be within 14 days of booking if paying by invoice (invoice option for bookings over £500.) Additional admin charges may be added for late payment.

b)     All Sponsorship payments must be made strictly within 8 weeks of confirmation of the agreement. Failure to pay within this timescale will result in the booking being withdrawn by the organisers. 

c)     Any late bookings of either stands or sponsorship must be paid in full 7 days before the event date – Failure to do so will result in the booking being withdrawn by the organisers.

d)     Payment is non-refundable in the event of cancellation. All prices quoted include the sponsorship package as described in the brochure/website (if sponsoring), plus supply of table, tablecloth hire (subject to REFUNDABLE £10 deposit on the day), 3 amp electricity supply and standard Wi-Fi (suitable for email).

e)     It is a condition of your sponsorship/stand booking being accepted that:- 

        i. you must have valid public liability insurance in place for the day of the exhibition. 

        ii. you must supply a risk assessment and have it available on your stand for H&S checks. 

it is also advisable to be covered by insurance for any loss/damage. 

2. Confirmation

An invoice or payment receipt and confirmation email will be automatically generated for online bookings.  Financial queries should be addressed to contact@angliabusinessexhibition.com

3. General Conditions

The Organisers will not be liable to any partner/sponsor/exhibitor for any claim or refund in the event of any Exhibition being cancelled or disrupted due to bad weather, major incident, civil unrest or any other cause beyond the organisers’ control or any other reason whatsoever. The organisers will not be held responsible for any personal damage/loss or theft of equipment/property on the exhibitors stands.

4. Site Conditions

a)      Stand set-up can be either the afternoon before the event or prior to 9am on the day (by prior arrangement with the ABE Team, limited slots). The organisers reserve the right to give away any stands not set up by 9am and access for setting stands after this time will be refused in order to preserve the health and safety of the event. 

b)      The Anglia Business Exhibition will open from 10am-5pm on Wednesday 7th May 2025.

c)      After unloading, exhibitors are requested to re-park their vehicles in the Exhibitor Car Parking area. 

d)      Packing away should not start until the Exhibition finishes at 5pm in order to preserve the professional image until the advertised closing time.  It is each exhibitor’s responsibility to clear the rubbish from their stand at the end of the exhibition and dispose of it sensitively. 

5. Use of Electrical Supply/Wifi

Access to electrical sockets/WiFi will be supplied as stated but it cannot be guaranteed and the existence of such a supply on the day is not a condition of this contract. The organisers will not be held liable for economic or consequential loss resulting from any lack of supply and/or negligence howsoever caused.

All electrical equipment must display an up to date Portable Appliance Tested sticker on the day or proof of the item being less than 12 months old be available.  

6. Responsibility of Exhibitors and Sponsors

The organisers are excluded from liability regarding the health and safety of all stands.  Exhibitors are responsible for the Health & Safety (including fire precautions) of their stands and are advised to insure against fire damage to their own and other property and also to insure for Third Party Liability and Theft. 

The exhibitor shall assume full responsibility for any article of any kind exhibited by them, including liability for all claims arising out of the handling of exhibits and the conduct of their stand generally. 

The exhibitor shall indemnify The Organisers against all claims, damages or expenses arising in any way out of the presence of the exhibitor, their staff or their exhibits at the event.  Acceptance of these provisions shall be condition of entry.

7. Disclaimer of Responsibility

The Organisers shall not in any way unless legally liable, be responsible for:

a)      Any claim for compensation or otherwise in regard to the holding of or for anything arising out of or in any connection with the event including any ‘indirect/consequential losses’. 

b)      Any accident that may occur or for the death, injury, disease or loss arising to the fullest extent permissible by law.

c)      Any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the abandonment, cancellation of the Exhibition, and any such eventuality howsoever caused.

d)      The liability of the Organisers in relation to any claim, shall in any event be limited to the refund of any monies paid to the Organisers under these terms. 

8. No sub-letting of stands is permitted

Only one business per stand/sponsorship can be promoted unless otherwise agreed with the organisers.

9. Changes

The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the layout or other aspects of the event as required.

About the exhibition

Location: Trinity Park Event Centre
Felixstowe Road

Date: Wednesday 7th May 2025

Time: 10:00 - 17:00